Thursday, November 19, 2009

One month in...

Well, today is officially 1 month since I started staying home with Andy. We have had shots, walks, rides, a lot of bottles and a pretty good time. I have learned that she likes to sleep in the car, she loves the ceiling fan, either on or off, and she actually prefers Metallica over Mozart. But we both like us some Vivaldi. (Interesting fact, neither Mozart nor Vivaldi triggered my spell check, but Metallica did. I think blogger is biased.)

Anywho, in celebration, here are some pictures that I promised in my last post.

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.

Fun giraffe pajamas.

Infants unite!!! The One Baby Revolution begins now!!!
And remember, she knows her some kung-fu.

That's about it for now. Take it easy, all, and keep your eyes on f&y, more updates there soon.


  1. wonderful photos! I'm glad you're having such a good time staying home with Andy!

  2. Hi Jon, thanks for the photo updates. And Happy day-before-Thanksgiving Day!
